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King County Partners
  • Social Services

A 4 Apple Learning provides childcare support to children ages 18 months to 13 years. The organization has a preschool program for children ages 3 to...

The M.U.S.T. Mentoring Model is a unique system which creates an environment for liberation and growth. Coaches for Mentors help them navigate life,...

The BIPOC ED Coalition is a group of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color nonprofit executive directors across Washington state, we are joining in...

Northwest Community Bail Fund posts bail for individuals in King, Pierce and Snohomish County. Their work assures that the most targeted and...

Special Moments organization believes that every child deserves to experience a moment so special that it allows them to let down their guard and...

Phenomenal She is a community based nonprofit organization that has a mission to provide mentorship, encouragement, and empowerment to young women of...

Cierra Sisters provides support for cancer patients and family members. The organization works to bridge the gap between researchers, physicians and...

CompuKidz Worldwide provides mentorship, leadership, workforce placement, fitness training, career training and entrepreneurship support. The...

Greater New Bethel offers workshop services, including a Sunday service, Bible study, Sunday School and seasonal gatherings. The church offers a...

"HSH addresses wealth transfer due to 400 years of systemic barriers that reinforce inequitable economic institutions and exclusionary social...

Holgate Church offers worship services, including a Sunday service, Bible study, Sunday School and seasonal gatherings. The church also provides a...

Pay it 4ward seeks to provide and build economic opportunities for individuals in underserved communities. The organization provides free job...

Primm ABC provides childcare services for children ages 1 to 12. The organization provides a preschool program for ages 1 to 5. Primm ABC offers...

Southside Church has been in the community for 50 years. The church offers worship services, including a Sunday service, Bible study, Sunday school...

You Grow Girl!! provides counseling, educational support and mentoring to young women, giving them life skills to deal with challenges as they grow...

RBAC is a place-based, Black-led non-profit rooted in and stewarding the Neighborhood Plan. RBAC has had a historical presence in Rainier Beach for...

The mission of Washington West African Center is to connect West Africans in Washington with local resources, build a bridge with the wider community...

Lavender Rights Project is creating a world in which the Black and Indigenous gender diverse communities are at the forefront of liberation and...

Sports mentoring program that attracts young men of color through sports, while building relationships in order to strengthen their emotional fitness...

Rainier Beach Action Coalition (RBAC) is a place-based non-profit rooted in Rainier Beach and stewarding its Neighborhood Plan. This calls for...

CHOOSE 180 envisions a future where youthful behavior is decriminalized and young people are offered restorative practices in lieu of traditional...

Empowering new and emerging Black and Brown community leaders, returning citizens and community-rooted organizations through youth mentorship. We...

Working to dismantle the institution of mass incarceration and heal its traumatic effects on individuals directly impacted by incarceration, on their...

Provide opportunities for African Diaspora immigrant and refugee communities, families, and individuals in King County to attain health and housing...

Helps West Africans and other immigrants, refugees and people of color to thrive in the Puget Sound region. Serves over 4,000 individuals each...